Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Father Factor: How Dad's Age Increases Baby's Risk of Mental Illness

February, 2009 in Biology

The Father Factor: How Dad's Age Increases Baby's Risk of Mental Illness
Could becoming a father after age 40 raise the risks that your children will have a mental illness?
By Paul Raeburn

Key Concepts
It is widely recognized that a 40-year-old woman has an increased risk of bearing a child with Down syndrome. What is not known is that a 40-year-old man has the same risk of fathering a child with schizophrenia—and even higher odds of his offspring having autism. The risk of bipolar disorder appears to rise as well.
In the past couple of decades, the number of older fathers has increased. Birth rates for men older than 40 have jumped as much as 40 percent since 1980.
The mechanisms behind the higher risks are still being investigated, although scientists have several hypotheses that could someday lead to better therapies or possibly even cures for these mental illnesses.
When my wife, Elizabeth, was pregnant, she had a routine ultrasound exam, and I was astonished by the images. The baby’s ears, his tiny lips, the lenses of his eyes and even the feathery, fluttering valves in his heart were as crisp and clear as the muscles and tendons in a Leonardo da Vinci drawing. Months before he was born, we were already squabbling about whom he looked like. Mostly, though, we were relieved; everything seemed to be fine.

Elizabeth was 40, and we knew about all the things that can go wrong in the children of older mothers. We worried about Down syndrome, which is more common in the offspring of older women. Elizabeth had the tests to rule out Down syndrome and a few other genetic abnormalities. That was no guarantee the baby would be okay, but the results were reassuring to us.

The day after Henry was born, while we were still bleary-eyed from a late-night cesarean delivery, we caught part of a report on the hospital television about an increased risk of autism in the children of older fathers. Until then, all we’d thought about was Elizabeth’s age—not mine. We’d had no idea that my age could be an important factor in our baby’s health.

When we got home, I looked up the study. Researchers had analyzed medical records in Israel, where all young men and most women must report to the draft board for mandatory medical, intelligence and psychiatric screening. They found that children born to fathers 40 or older had nearly a sixfold increase in the risk of autism as compared with kids whose fathers were younger than 30. Children of fathers older than 50—that includes me—had a ninefold risk of autism.

The researchers said that advanced paternal age, as they call it, has also been linked to an increased risk of birth defects, cleft lip and palate, water on the brain, dwarfism, miscarriage and “decreased intellectual capacity.”

What was most frightening to me, as someone with mental illness in the family, is that older fatherhood was also associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia. The risk rises for fathers with each passing year. The child of a 40-year-old father has a 2 percent chance of having schizophrenia—double the risk of a child whose father is younger than 30. A 40-year-old man’s risk of having a child with schizophrenia is the same as a 40-year-old woman’s risk of having a child with Down syndrome.

We wouldn’t know for two years or so whether Henry had autism. And because schizophrenia does not usually appear until the early 20s, we had decades to wait before we would know if Henry was affected.

Advancing Years
Data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, show that in the U.S. the number of births to men aged 40 to 49 nearly tripled between 1980 and 2004, rising from 120,702 to 328,465. Much of that jump is the result of an increase in the overall population. But there has been a shift over the past generation toward more older fathers beyond what can be accounted for by the growth in population. Birth rates for men in their 40s (a number that takes population growth into account) have risen by up to 40 percent since 1980—whereas birth rates for men younger than 30 have fallen by as much as 21 percent.

The idea that a father’s age could affect the health of his children was first hinted at a century ago by an unusually perceptive and industrious doctor in private practice in Stuttgart, Germany. Wilhelm Weinberg was a loner who devoted much of his time to caring for the poor, including delivering 3,500 babies during a 40-year career. He also managed to publish 160 scientific papers without the benefit of colleagues, students or grants. His papers, written in German, did not attract much attention initially; most geneticists spoke English. It was not until years later that some of Weinberg’s papers were recognized as landmarks. > Scientific American Mind > Biology > Mental Health February, 2009 in Biology | 0 comments | Post a comment

E-mail | Print | Text Size The Father Factor: How Dad's Age Increases Baby's Risk of Mental Illness
Could becoming a father after age 40 raise the risks that your children will have a mental illness?
By Paul Raeburn

One of these was a 1912 study noting that a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia was more common among the last-born children in families than among the first-born. Weinberg didn’t know why that was so, but he speculated that it might be related to the age of the parents, who were obviously older when their last children were born. Weinberg’s prescient observation was confirmed decades later when research showed that he was half right: the risk of dwarfism rose with the father’s age but not the mother’s.

Since then, about 20 inherited ailments have been linked to paternal age, including progeria, the disorder of rapid aging, and Marfan syndrome, a disorder marked by very long arms, legs, fingers and toes, as well as life-threatening heart defects. More recent studies have linked fathers’ age to prostate and other cancers in their children. And in September 2008 researchers linked older fathers to an increased risk of bipolar disorder in their children.

Eggs vs. Sperm
Dolores Malaspina, a professor of psychiatry at the New York University Langone Medical Center, was in college when her sister, Eileen, who was two years younger, began behaving in ways the family couldn’t explain. At first, Malaspina recalls, Eileen seemed like she was going through the usual problems of adolescence. Eileen’s behavior became harder to overlook, however, and she was soon diagnosed with schizophrenia.

It was the early 1970s, when many psychiatrists believed schizophrenia was caused by a dominant, overpowering mother who rejected her child. Further, Eileen’s doctors said, there was no treatment. The damage done by a schizophrenia-inducing mother was irreparable.

At the same time Eileen was deteriorating, Malaspina earned a master’s in zoology and took a job at a drug company, where she drifted into research on substances that could alter brain chemistry. She was in the job for a while before she made the connection with her sister. “I was looking at molecules in the lab that might be related to psychosis,” she says. “My sister had very bad psychosis.” Researchers were then beginning to establish a biological basis for schizophrenia that would ultimately demolish the so-called schizophrenogenic-mother theory. Malaspina quit her job, went to medical school, became a psychiatrist and focused her research on schizophrenia.

While schizophrenia was being recast as a biological illness, most researchers still looked to mothers as the cause of the illness. A woman’s eggs age as she does, and it seemed reasonable to conclude that they deteriorate over the years, giving rise to increased problems in her offspring. Sperm are freshly manufactured all the time.

That’s not quite the way biology works, however. Because sperm are being continuously manufactured, genetic copying is going on constantly. Geneticists think it is that incessant copying and recopying that gives rise to the genetic errors that cause dwarfism, Marfan syndrome and the other inherited ailments. Malaspina decided to explore whether genetic errors in sperm might be at least partly responsible for schizophrenia. It was an unfashionable line of research. Nobody worried about fathers because everybody assumed mothers were the source of most problems in children. But Malaspina and others were beginning to think about it differently.

Schizophrenia and Autism
Later, while doing her residency at Columbia University, Malaspina learned about a unique research opportunity in Israel. During the 1960s and 1970s, all births in and around Jerusalem were recorded in conjunction with information on the infants’ families, including the ages of the parents. And all those children received a battery of medical tests as young adults, a requirement of Israel’s military draft. Because the records cover an entire population, the data are free from the biases that might creep in if researchers looked at, say, only people who graduated from college or only those who went to see a doctor. > Scientific American Mind > Biology > Mental Health February, 2009 in Biology | 0 comments | Post a comment

E-mail | Print | Text Size The Father Factor: How Dad's Age Increases Baby's Risk of Mental Illness
Could becoming a father after age 40 raise the risks that your children will have a mental illness?
By Paul Raeburn

Malaspina used the Israeli group to look first at the risk of schizophrenia in children of older fathers—and then at the risk of autism. Then she correlated birth and family information on some 90,000 children with information on which of them had developed schizophrenia as recorded on their military physicals. In 2001 Malaspina and her colleagues reported that paternal age was strongly linked to the risk of schizophrenia, as she had suspected.

It was the first large-scale study to link sporadic cases of schizophrenia to fathers’ age, and few researchers believed it. “We were absolutely convinced it was real, but other people didn’t think it was,” Malaspina says. “Everybody thought men who waited to have children must be different.” That is, maybe these older fathers had some of the makings of schizophrenia themselves—not enough for the disease to be recognized but enough that it took them a little longer to get settled, married and have children.

Other groups tried to repeat the study using different populations. In all these studies, researchers took a close look at whether there was something about the older fathers—unrelated to age—that increased the risk of schizophrenia in their children. When they did, the link with age became even clearer. “That result has been replicated at least seven times,” says Robert K. Heinssen, chief of the schizophrenia research program at the National Institute of Mental Health (which has funded some of Malaspina’s work). “We’re talking about samples from Scandinavia, cohorts in the United States, Japan. This is not just a finding that pertains to Israeli citizens or people of Jewish background.”

Malaspina knew that the draft-induction tests identified young men and women with autism, and she realized that, too, could be looked at to see whether it was linked to paternal age. “There are similarities between autism and schizophrenia—they both have very severe social deficits,” says one of her collaborators, Abraham Reichenberg, a neuropsychologist at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London. “There was some reason to think similar risk factors might be involved.” In 2006 they and their colleagues published a report showing that the children of men who were 40 or older were nearly six times as likely as the kids of men who were younger than 30 to develop autism or a related disorder.

Autism and related disorders—referred to as autism spectrum disorders—occurred at a rate of six in 10,000 among the children of the younger fathers and 32 in 10,000 among the children of the older fathers. (That is closer to five times the risk, but statistical adjustments showed the risk was actually about six times higher in the offspring of the older dads.) In the children of fathers older than 50, the risk was 52 in 10,000.

That was the study I heard about the day after my son Henry was born.

Reichenberg interprets these results as very solid findings: “In epidemiology, you look for an odds ratio of two. Anything above that, you’re happy. When you have an odds ratio more than five, you’re excited.” The study could not absolutely rule out some effect of older mothers, but “we’re pretty confident that the paternal age risk holds no matter what the maternal age,” he says.

As these studies were being done, Mala­spina asked Jay Gingrich, a psychiatrist and neuroscientist at Columbia who works with mice, whether he could look for the same effect in the offspring of older mouse fathers.

Gingrich can’t ask his mice whether they are suffering delusions or hearing voices. But he can give them tests that people with schizophrenia have difficulty passing. In one such test he looked at how mice reacted when startled by a loud sound. Mice are like people—when they hear a loud noise, they jump. And there is more similarity than that: when mice or people hear a soft sound before being startled, they don’t jump as much. It is called prepulse inhibition; the soft pulse inhibits the reaction to the louder one. “It’s abnormal in a number of neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, autism, obsessive-compulsive disorders and some of the others,” Gingrich says. And he found that the response was abnormal in mice with older fathers.

The results were so striking that Gingrich thought they were too good to be true. He and a postdoctoral researcher, Maria Milekic, collected data on 100 offspring of younger dads and another 100 offspring of older dads before they decided the results were correct.

Missing a Mechanism?
Not everyone agrees on what Malaspina’s results mean. Daniel R. Weinberger, a psychiatrist and schizophrenia expert at the National Institute of Mental Health, for instance, accepts the findings—that the incidence of schizophrenia is higher in the children of older fathers. But he does not agree with Malaspina that this could be one of the most important causes of schizophrenia. The reason, he says, is researchers know too little about which genes conspire to cause schizophrenia: “It’s a seminal observation, but like many seminal observations, it doesn’t identify a mechanism.” Weinberger wants to know exactly how this happens before he can say what it means.

Malaspina has thought a lot about the mechanism. What happens to the sperm of men as they age that could give rise to these increased risks in their offspring? The first thought was a classic kind of genetic mutation—a typo in the DNA, a stutter or some other scramble of the code.

There is, however, another possibility. The genetic code we are familiar with is expressed in the DNA itself. But there is a second genetic code, separate from what is embedded in the DNA. To distinguish it from the genetic code, it is referred to as “epigenetic” information. It is like a bar code imprinted on the outside of a gene. The information in that bar code can turn the gene on or off—sometimes inappropriately. If it turns the wrong genes on or off, it can affect health and disease just as surely as can changes in the DNA itself.

Malaspina has not yet proved it, but she suspects that as men grow older they develop defects in the machinery that stamps this code on the genes. These imprinting defects may give rise to the increased risk of schizophrenia, autism and perhaps some of the other ailments related to paternal age.

It is not possible to poke around in people’s brains to see whether those who have schizophrenia show errors in this imprinting. But that can be done in Gingrich’s mice. He is just now beginning to examine the imprinting in the brain tissue of his mice, and he is betting he will find errors there. That is precisely the kind of research that could address Weinberger’s concerns about the mechanism responsible for increasing the incidence of schizophrenia in the children of older dads.

This research could represent an important advance in understanding schizophrenia and autism. “This is work that we will pursue and fund, because we’re so eager to get the genetics worked out,” says Thomas R. Insel, a psychiatrist and director of the National Institute of Mental Health. “It’s a very interesting observation.” With persistence—and some luck—the research could lead to better treatments or even, one day, a cure for schizophrenia and autism.

Some researchers worry that these new findings are just among the first of the problems that might ultimately be associated with older dads. “If there is one common disease that we know is associated with older biological fathers, we can safely assume there are more remaining to be discovered,” says University of Chicago psychiatrist Elliot S. Gershon.

Gershon’s prediction has already come true. In September 2008 researchers in Sweden, in collaboration with Reichenberg, reported that the children of older fathers had an increased risk of acquiring bipolar disorder. And the risk increased as the fathers’ age rose, encouraging confidence in the results.

For now, prospective parents might want to rethink their plans about when to have children, says Herbert Meltzer, a psychiatrist and widely recognized schizophrenia expert at Vanderbilt University. He believes the risks for children of older fathers will eventually be seen to be as noteworthy as the risks facing older mothers. “It’s going to be more and more of an issue to society,” he notes. “Schizophrenia is a terrible disease, and anything that can be done to reduce it is terribly important.”

Meltzer thinks women should take a man’s age into consideration when choosing a partner to have children with. And men might want to think about having sperm stored when they are young. Because despite the advances in understanding autism and schizophrenia, treatment is limited and difficult, and a cure remains elusive.

As for Henry, that decision has been made. The question, for me, is whether I would make the same choice, knowing what I know now. Despite the increase in risks, the absolute risks “to any individual child of a man at any age are quite small,” Malaspina says.

My answer: I don’t know.

Note: This article was originally printed with the title, "The Father Factor".


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Men also have a biological clock

Men also have a biological clock
Published: Jan. 21, 2009 at 4:04 PMOrder reprints | Feedback
VALENCIA, Spain, Jan. 21 (UPI) -- Mammalian males can reproduce until late in life, but their children may have more abnormalities, researchers in Spain said.

Although mammalian males can reproduce until late in life, evidence of hazards to offspring has emerged in human and animal models, the researchers said.

Silvia Garcia-Palomares of the University of Valencia in Spain and colleagues said that their study, published in the Biology of Reproduction, provides clear, well-controlled data of deleterious effects on the offspring of aged male mice mated to females of prime reproductive age.

The offspring from the elderly males exhibit abnormalities not only in several behavioral traits, but also in reproductive fitness and longevity -- the offspring fathered by old mice had a shorter life span.

Moreover, mating the offspring from aged males resulted in the production of pups exhibiting decreased weights at weaning when compared with pups from the offspring of younger males.

Garcia-Palomares said the defects causing these abnormalities in offspring are unknown and should be the objective of intriguing studies in the future.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Older men are having children, but the reality of a male biological clock makes this trend worrisome

January 15, 2009
Older men are having children, but the reality of a male biological clock makes this trend worrisome
By Harry Fisch, MD

Feature Article
Dr Fisch is Professor of Clinical Urology, Department of Urology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University Medical Center, New York City.

Disclosure: The author states that he has no financial relationship with any manufacturers in this area of medicine.


Couples are waiting longer to have children, and advances in reproductive technology are allowing older men and women to consider having children. The lack of appreciation among both medical professionals and the lay public for the reality of a male biological clock makes these trends worrisome. The age-related changes associated with the male biological clock affect sperm quality, fertility, hormone levels, libido, erectile function, and a host of non-reproductive physiological issues. This article focuses on the potentially adverse effects of the male biological clock on fertility in older men. Advanced paternal age increases the risk for spontaneous abortion as well as genetic abnormalities in offspring due to multiple factors, including DNA damage from abnormal apoptosis and reactive oxygen species. Increased paternal age is also associated with a decrease in semen volume, percentage of normal sperm, and sperm motility. Older men considering parenthood should have a thorough history and physical examination focused on their sexual and reproductive capacity. Such examination should entail disclosure of any sexual dysfunction and the use of medications, drugs, or lifestyle factors that might impair fertility or sexual response. Older men should also be counseled regarding the effects of paternal age on spermatogenesis and pregnancy.

Fisch H. The aging male and his biological clock. Geriatrics. 2009;64(1):14-17.

Keywords: apoptosis, hypogonadism, male biological clock, male infertility, paternal age, spermatogenesis, testosterone

The phrase "biological clock" commonly refers to the declining fertility, increasing risk for fetal birth defects, and altered hormone levels experienced by women as they age. Abundant scientific evidence suggests that men also have a biological clock.1,2 The hormonal and physiological effects of the male clock are linked with testosterone and fertility declines, as well as pregnancy loss and an increased risk of birth defects.3 In this article, we review the effects of the male biological clock, and the association between advanced paternal age and decreased spermatogenesis, pregnancy rates, and birth outcomes.

Male testosterone levels (both total and free) decline roughly 1% per year after age 30.4 The rate of decline in one study4 was not significantly different between healthy men and those with chronic illnesses or multiple comorbidities. This decline can shift men whose testosterone levels are in the low end of the normal spectrum to levels considered below-normal, or hypogonadal (testosterone <325 ng/mL) as they age. An estimated 2 to 4 million men in the United States fall in this category, either from age-related declines, illness, injury, or congenital conditions.5 The population of hypogonadal men is increasing due both to the aging of the general population and unknown factors that appear to be suppressing the average levels of testosterone in more recent birth cohorts.6 The increasing prevalence of abnormally low testosterone levels in elderly men was demonstrated in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging, which determined that hypogonadal testosterone levels were present in approximately 20% of men over 60, 30% over 70, and 50% over 80 years of age.7

Sub-normal testosterone levels are associated not only with decrements in fertility and sexual response, but also a wide range of other health problems such as declines in muscle mass/strength, energy levels, and cognitive function, as well as increased incidence of weight gain (particularly central adiposity), type 2 diabetes, the metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. Testosterone replacement therapy to address the wide range of health problems related to hypogonadism is becoming increasingly popular. Delivery via gels or transdermal patches can result in physiologically normal levels of testosterone, which is preferable to the spiky levels obtained via testosterone injections. Oral formulations are under development but none have progressed beyond the clinical trial phase. Fears that testosterone replacement therapy may promote the growth of prostate carcinomas has abated in light of findings from several studies that find no such link.8

Declining fertility and increasing birth defects

It has long been recognized that female fertility declines with age and, obviously, ceases with menopause. Only relatively recently, however, has it been proven that male fertility also declines with age—often significantly so—and that semen quality and the related risk for birth defects is also sensitive to aging. Studies demonstrate that men older than age 35 are twice as likely to be infertile (defined as the inability to initiate a pregnancy within 12 months) as men younger than 25 years.9 Among couples undergoing fertility treatments with intra-uterine insemination, the amount of time necessary to achieve a pregnancy rises significantly with the age of the male. Further, after controlling for maternal age, couples in which the male is older than 35 have a 50% lower pregnancy rate compared with couples in which men are 30 or younger.10

The risk of birth defects is also now known to be related to paternal age. A significant association has been found between advancing paternal age and the risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children.11 Offspring of men 40 years or older were 5.75 times more likely to have ASD compared with offspring of men younger than 30 years, after controlling for year of birth, socioeconomic status, and maternal age.

Another study finds a link between paternal age and a higher risk of fathering a child with schizophrenia.12 Men older than 40 were more than twice as likely to have a child with schizophrenia as men in their 20s. A similar influence of paternal age on the risk of having a child with Down syndrome has been reported by several research teams,1 with paternal age a factor in half the cases of Down syndrome when maternal age exceeded 35 years. Other investigators have found that the rate of miscarriages increases with rising paternal age when maternal age was older than 35.13 Thus, there is convincing evidence for an effect of paternal age alone, as well as a combined effect of advancing paternal and maternal age, on increased risks of genetic abnormalities leading to miscarriage or disease in their children. A retrospective multi-center European study revealed that the effects of advanced paternal age and maternal age are cumulative. If both partners are advanced in age, the risk of spontaneous abortion is higher.

Mechanisms behind biological clock effects

The precise genetic and physiological malfunctions underlying the observed links between advanced paternal age and congenital abnormalities remain uncertain although clues have been discovered in recent years. Studies in the murine model, for example, have shown that changes in testicular architecture affect semen quality. At 18 months (defined as "older" in a mouse), several age-related changes occur, including increased number of vacuoles in germ cells and thinning of the seminiferous epithelium. At the age of 30 months, seminiferous epithelia with scant spermatocytes were identified. Overall, total sperm production was significantly reduced and mutation frequency was significantly increased in "older" mice.14

Such changes in testicular architecture, as well as changes in the germinal epithelium, prostatic epithelium, and a host of genetic alterations, undoubtedly underlie the well-documented declines in human semen parameters observed over the years. The literature (11 of 16 published studies) clearly shows, for example, a decrease in semen volume with advanced age. In 2 studies, which adjusted for the confounder of abstinence duration, a decrease in semen volume of 0.15-0.5% was reported for each increase in year of age.15 The semen volume of men aged 50 or older was decreased by 20-30% when compared with men younger than age 30. An association between advanced paternal age and decreased sperm motility is also apparent. In a review of 19 studies, 13 found a decrease in sperm motility with increasing age. Five studies adjusted for the duration of abstinence—a key potential confounder—and found statistically significant declines. A comparison of men age 50 or older to men younger than 30, revealed a 3% to 37% decline in motility.

Abnormal sperm morphology is also tied to advanced paternal age. In 14 studies reviewed, 9 studies found decreases in the percentage of normal sperm with advancing age with the rates of decline ranging from 0.2% per year to 0.9% per year of age when controlling for confounders of duration of abstinence and year of birth.16

The male biological clock also "ticks" at the level of genes. The genetic integrity of sperm has been shown in several studies to decline with age. For example, age is associated with declines in the number of Leydig and Sertoli cells, as well as with an increase in arrested division of germ cells. There also seems to be an increasing failure of the body's ability to "weed out" genetically inferior sperm cells via the mechanism of apoptosis. Spermatozoa are continuously produced and undergo lifelong replication, meiosis, and spermatogenesis. An essential aspect of spermatogenesis that ensures selection of normal DNA is the process of apoptosis of sperm with damaged DNA. Since the rate of genetic abnormalities (such as double-strand breaks) during spermatogenesis increases as men age, the rate of apoptosis should rise as well. This, however, does not seem to be the case, for reasons that remain unknown, which results in higher levels of genetically damaged sperm in older men.

Oxidative stress may also play a role in the observed rise in the frequency of numerical and structural aberrations in sperm chromosomes with increasing paternal age. Spermatozoa have low concentrations of antioxidant scavenging enzymes, which makes them particularly susceptible to DNA damage from reactive oxygen species. A recent study found that seminal reactive oxygen species levels are significantly elevated in men older than 40 years of age.17

Aneuploidy errors in germ cell lines also occur at higher rates with advancing paternal age. The aneuploidy error of trisomy 21, for example, is responsible for Down syndrome. The rate of many autosomal dominant disorders such as Apert syndrome, achrondroplasia, osteogenesis imperfecta, progeria, Marfan syndrome, Waardenburg syndrome, and thanatophoric dysplasia increases with advanced paternal age. Apert syndrome, for example, is the result of an autosomal dominant mutation on chromosome 10, mutating fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2). With increasing paternal age, the incidence of sporadic Apert syndrome increases exponentially, resulting in part from an increased frequency of FGFR2 mutations in the sperm of older men.

The role of medications and comorbidities

The effects of the male biological clock can be exacerbated by both medications and comorbidities. Pharmacologically mediated fertility declines and/or sexual dysfunction has been demonstrated for antihypertensive drugs, antidepressants, and hormonal agents. Seminal emission can be blocked by alpha blocker medications, which are used to treat many symptoms of the lower urinary tract. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, which are used for prostate cancer treatment, can directly affect sperm production and testosterone levels. High doses of anabolic steroids, sometimes used for enhancement of performance and muscle enlargement, cause reduction of sperm production, which may be permanent. Erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory disorders, and decreased libido can be caused by the 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.

Sexual function and reproductive function can substantially decline in males treated for prostate cancer. Treatments such as radiotherapy, surgery or hormones, alone or in combination, can result in these dysfunctions in treated men of any age, though the severity of effects increases with age. A report found that ultrasound-guided needle biopsy of the prostate was associated with some abnormal semen parameters.18 Since prostate biopsy is more common in men 50 or older, this can be an issue for older would-be fathers.


The fact that men and women are waiting longer to have children, and that advances in reproductive technology are allowing older men and women to consider having children, carries a generally unrecognized public health risk in the form of increased infertility and risk for birth defects and other reproductive problems. CDC birth statistics show the average maternal age rose from 21.4 years of age in 1974 to 25.1 years of age in 2003. Paternal age is rising as well.

The lack of appreciation among both medical professionals and the lay public for the reality of a male biological clock makes these trends worrisome. This article has demonstrated a host of potential reproductive problems among older men. Semen parameters as well as semen genetic integrity decline with age, which leads to an increased risk for spontaneous abortion as well as genetic abnormalities in offspring. The decreasing apoptotic rate and increase in reactive oxygen species among the rapidly replicating spermatogonia are possible mechanisms behind an amplification of errors in germ cell lines of older men. Such errors may account for the observed increases in Down syndrome, schizophrenia, and autosomal dominant disorders in children born to older fathers.

Future research may elucidate in greater detail the etiology and manifestation of the male biological clock in older men. Novel methods to reverse or slow the clock may be discovered by improved understanding of the cellular and biochemical mechanisms of gonadal aging. This research may diminish potential adverse genetic consequences in offspring and increase the chances that older couples will have a healthy child.


1. Fisch H, Hyun G, Golden R, et al. The influence of paternal age on Down syndrome. J Urol. 2003:169(6):2275-2278.

2. Eskenazi B, Wyrobek AJ, Sloter E, et al. The association of age and semen quality in healthy men. Hum Reprod. 2003;18(2):447-454.

3. Lewis BH, Legato M, Fisch H. Medical implications of the male biological clock. JAMA. 2006;296(19):2369-2371.

4. Feldman HA, Longcope C, Derby CA, et al. Age trends in the level of serum testosterone and other hormones in middle-aged men: longitudinal results from the Massachusetts male aging study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002;87(2):589-598.

5. Rhoden EL, Morgentaler A. Risks of testosterone-replacement therapy and recommendations for monitoring. N Engl J Med. 2004;350(5):482-492.

6. Travison TG, Araujo AB, O'Donnell AB, et al. A population-level decline in serum testosterone levels in American men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007;92(1):196-202.

7. Harman SM, Metter EJ, Tobin JD, et al. Longitudinal effects of aging on serum total and free testosterone levels in healthy men. Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001;86(2):724-731.

8. Imamoto T, Suzuki H, Yano M, et al. The role of testosterone in the pathogenesis of prostate cancer. Int J Urol. 2008;15(6):472-480.

9. Ford WC, North K, Taylor H, et al. Increasing paternal age is associated with delayed conception in a large population of fertile couples: evidence for declining fecundity in older men. Hum Reprod. 2000;15(8):1703-1708.

10. Mathieu C, Ecochard R, Bied V. Cumulative conception rate following intrauterine artificial insemination with husband's spermatozoa: influence of husband's age. Hum Reprod. 1995;10(5):1090-1097.

11. Reichenberg A, Gross R, Weiser M, et al. Advancing Paternal Age and Autism. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2006;63(9):1026-1032.

12. Malaspina D, Harlap S, Fennig S, et al. Advancing Paternal Age and the Risk of Schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2001;58(4):361-367.

13. de la Rochebrochard E, Thonneau P. Paternal age and maternal age are risk factors for miscarriage: results of a multicentre European study. Hum Reprod. 2002;17(6):1649-1656.

14. Walter CA, Intano GW, McCarrey JR, et al. Mutation frequency declines during spermatogenesis in young mice but increases in old mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 1998;95(17):10015-10019.

15. Andolz P, Bielsa MA, Vila J. Evolution of semen quality in North-eastern Spain: a study in 22,759 infertile men over a 36 year period. Hum Reprod. 1999;14(3):731-735.

16. Auger J, Kunstmann JM, Czyglik F, et al. Decline in semen quality among fertile men in Paris during the past 20 years. N Engl J Med. 1995;332(5):281-285.

17. Cocuzza M, Athayde KS, Agarwal A, et al. Age-related increase of reactive oxygen species in neat semen in healthy fertile men. Urology. 2008;71(3):490-494.

18. Manoharan M, Ayyathurai R, Nieder AM, Soloway MS. Hemospermia following transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy: a prospective study. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2007;10(3):283-287.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Being Born Small, Early Raises Autism Risk

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Being Born Small, Early Raises Autism Risk

Children who are born underweight or early have more than double the risk of developing autism, new research shows.

The study, by researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, helps tease out the mysterious underpinnings of this disorder but is unlikely to translate into benefits for patients anytime soon.

"This gives us more clues about autism, which we desperately need, but it's not anything clinicians can use right away," said Dr. Cindy Molloy, an autism researcher and clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at the Center for Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Cincinnati Children's Hospital.

The results do reinforce the importance of monitoring children who are born underweight or early for behavioral problems so they can be treated, said study author Diana Schendel, lead health scientist at the CDC's National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities.

So-called "autism-spectrum disorders" are a group of developmental disorders characterized by social and communication problems. According to the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke, some three to six children out of every 1,000 will have autism, while males are four times more likely to develop the disorder than girls.

Previous studies have indicated that low birth weight and being born premature are important risk factors for developmental problems generally in children. But the association between these factors and autism is less clear.

A Canadian study published earlier this year did find that premature infants who were born at a very low birth weight -- about 3.3 pounds -- were more likely to screen positive on tests of autistic behaviors, but the findings were considered preliminary.

The investigators on the current study looked at 565 children with autism born in metropolitan Atlanta between 1986 and 1993, and compared them to a set of children without autism, as well as to children with other developmental disabilities, such as mental retardation, cerebral palsy, hearing loss or vision problems.

Overall, low birth weight was associated with a twofold increased risk for autism, but the risk was higher for girls than for boys.

For all low-birth-weight children, the risk for autism accompanied by other developmental problems, such as mental retardation, was higher than the risk of developing autism alone.

There was also double the risk for developing autism in babies born prematurely, although this was primarily due to a more than fivefold increased risk in girls born early.

"This was one of the first studies that had a large enough sample to look at girls," Molloy said. "They really were able to tease out what is different about boys and girls."

Even so, the elevated risk for autism seen in low-birth-weight and preterm babies was much lower than that linked with cerebral palsy, mental retardation, hearing loss or vision impairment.

"It's not yet clear why being small or being born too soon could lead to these problems but, Schendel said, "[these factors] could be a marker for an impaired fetus, one that has a neurological problem which is retarding its growth. On the other hand, being small or being born too soon may be related to factors that could harm the neurological development of the fetus such as infection during pregnancy."

The findings support the idea that there are different kinds of autism and different mechanisms underlying those cases, Molloy said.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Older men are having children, but the reality of a male biological clock makes this trend worrisome

Older men are having children, but the reality of a male biological clock makes this trend worrisome
Feature Article
Publish date: Jan 15, 2009
By: Harry Fisch, MD
Source: Geriatrics


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Dr Fisch is Professor of Clinical Urology, Department of Urology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University Medical Center, New York City.
Disclosure: The author states that he has no financial relationship with any manufacturers in this area of medicine.

Couples are waiting longer to have children, and advances in reproductive technology are allowing older men and women to consider having children. The lack of appreciation among both medical professionals and the lay public for the reality of a male biological clock makes these trends worrisome. The age-related changes associated with the male biological clock affect sperm quality, fertility, hormone levels, libido, erectile function, and a host of non-reproductive physiological issues. This article focuses on the potentially adverse effects of the male biological clock on fertility in older men. Advanced paternal age increases the risk for spontaneous abortion as well as genetic abnormalities in offspring due to multiple factors, including DNA damage from abnormal apoptosis and reactive oxygen species. Increased paternal age is also associated with a decrease in semen volume, percentage of normal sperm, and sperm motility. Older men considering parenthood should have a thorough history and physical examination focused on their sexual and reproductive capacity. Such examination should entail disclosure of any sexual dysfunction and the use of medications, drugs, or lifestyle factors that might impair fertility or sexual response. Older men should also be counseled regarding the effects of paternal age on spermatogenesis and pregnancy.
Fisch H. The aging male and his biological clock. Geriatrics. 2009;64(1):14-17.
Keywords: apoptosis, hypogonadism, male biological clock, male infertility, paternal age, spermatogenesis, testosterone
The phrase "biological clock" commonly refers to the declining fertility, increasing risk for fetal birth defects, and altered hormone levels experienced by women as they age. Abundant scientific evidence suggests that men also have a biological clock.1,2 The hormonal and physiological effects of the male clock are linked with testosterone and fertility declines, as well as pregnancy loss and an increased risk of birth defects.3 In this article, we review the effects of the male biological clock, and the association between advanced paternal age and decreased spermatogenesis, pregnancy rates, and birth outcomes.
Male testosterone levels (both total and free) decline roughly 1% per year after age 30.4 The rate of decline in one study4 was not significantly different between healthy men and those with chronic illnesses or multiple comorbidities. This decline can shift men whose testosterone levels are in the low end of the normal spectrum to levels considered below-normal, or hypogonadal (testosterone <325 ng/mL) as they age. An estimated 2 to 4 million men in the United States fall in this category, either from age-related declines, illness, injury, or congenital conditions.5 The population of hypogonadal men is increasing due both to the aging of the general population and unknown factors that appear to be suppressing the average levels of testosterone in more recent birth cohorts.6 The increasing prevalence of abnormally low testosterone levels in elderly men was demonstrated in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging, which determined that hypogonadal testosterone levels were present in approximately 20% of men over 60, 30% over 70, and 50% over 80 years of age.7
Sub-normal testosterone levels are associated not only with decrements in fertility and sexual response, but also a wide range of other health problems such as declines in muscle mass/strength, energy levels, and cognitive function, as well as increased incidence of weight gain (particularly central adiposity), type 2 diabetes, the metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. Testosterone replacement therapy to address the wide range of health problems related to hypogonadism is becoming increasingly popular. Delivery via gels or transdermal patches can result in physiologically normal levels of testosterone, which is preferable to the spiky levels obtained via testosterone injections. Oral formulations are under development but none have progressed beyond the clinical trial phase. Fears that testosterone replacement therapy may promote the growth of prostate carcinomas has abated in light of findings from several studies that find no such link.8

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Declining fertility and increasing birth defects
It has long been recognized that female fertility declines with age and, obviously, ceases with menopause. Only relatively recently, however, has it been proven that male fertility also declines with age—often significantly so—and that semen quality and the related risk for birth defects is also sensitive to aging. Studies demonstrate that men older than age 35 are twice as likely to be infertile (defined as the inability to initiate a pregnancy within 12 months) as men younger than 25 years.9 Among couples undergoing fertility treatments with intra-uterine insemination, the amount of time necessary to achieve a pregnancy rises significantly with the age of the male. Further, after controlling for maternal age, couples in which the male is older than 35 have a 50% lower pregnancy rate compared with couples in which men are 30 or younger.10
The risk of birth defects is also now known to be related to paternal age. A significant association has been found between advancing paternal age and the risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children.11 Offspring of men 40 years or older were 5.75 times more likely to have ASD compared with offspring of men younger than 30 years, after controlling for year of birth, socioeconomic status, and maternal age.

Another study finds a link between paternal age and a higher risk of fathering a child with schizophrenia.12 Men older than 40 were more than twice as likely to have a child with schizophrenia as men in their 20s. A similar influence of paternal age on the risk of having a child with Down syndrome has been reported by several research teams,1 with paternal age a factor in half the cases of Down syndrome when maternal age exceeded 35 years. Other investigators have found that the rate of miscarriages increases with rising paternal age when maternal age was older than 35.13 Thus, there is convincing evidence for an effect of paternal age alone, as well as a combined effect of advancing paternal and maternal age, on increased risks of genetic abnormalities leading to miscarriage or disease in their children. A retrospective multi-center European study revealed that the effects of advanced paternal age and maternal age are cumulative. If both partners are advanced in age, the risk of spontaneous abortion is higher.
Mechanisms behind biological clock effects
The precise genetic and physiological malfunctions underlying the observed links between advanced paternal age and congenital abnormalities remain uncertain although clues have been discovered in recent years. Studies in the murine model, for example, have shown that changes in testicular architecture affect semen quality. At 18 months (defined as "older" in a mouse), several age-related changes occur, including increased number of vacuoles in germ cells and thinning of the seminiferous epithelium. At the age of 30 months, seminiferous epithelia with scant spermatocytes were identified. Overall, total sperm production was significantly reduced and mutation frequency was significantly increased in "older" mice.14
Such changes in testicular architecture, as well as changes in the germinal epithelium, prostatic epithelium, and a host of genetic alterations, undoubtedly underlie the well-documented declines in human semen parameters observed over the years. The literature (11 of 16 published studies) clearly shows, for example, a decrease in semen volume with advanced age. In 2 studies, which adjusted for the confounder of abstinence duration, a decrease in semen volume of 0.15-0.5% was reported for each increase in year of age.15 The semen volume of men aged 50 or older was decreased by 20-30% when compared with men younger than age 30. An association between advanced paternal age and decreased sperm motility is also apparent. In a review of 19 studies, 13 found a decrease in sperm motility with increasing age. Five studies adjusted for the duration of abstinence—a key potential confounder—and found statistically significant declines. A comparison of men age 50 or older to men younger than 30, revealed a 3% to 37% decline in motility.
Abnormal sperm morphology is also tied to advanced paternal age. In 14 studies reviewed, 9 studies found decreases in the percentage of normal sperm with advancing age with the rates of decline ranging from 0.2% per year to 0.9% per year of age when controlling for confounders of duration of abstinence and year of birth.16

Older men are having children, but the reality of a male biological clock makes this trend worrisomeFeature Article
Publish date: Jan 15, 2009
By: Harry Fisch, MD
Source: Geriatrics

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The male biological clock also "ticks" at the level of genes. The genetic integrity of sperm has been shown in several studies to decline with age. For example, age is associated with declines in the number of Leydig and Sertoli cells, as well as with an increase in arrested division of germ cells. There also seems to be an increasing failure of the body's ability to "weed out" genetically inferior sperm cells via the mechanism of apoptosis. Spermatozoa are continuously produced and undergo lifelong replication, meiosis, and spermatogenesis. An essential aspect of spermatogenesis that ensures selection of normal DNA is the process of apoptosis of sperm with damaged DNA. Since the rate of genetic abnormalities (such as double-strand breaks) during spermatogenesis increases as men age, the rate of apoptosis should rise as well. This, however, does not seem to be the case, for reasons that remain unknown, which results in higher levels of genetically damaged sperm in older men.
Oxidative stress may also play a role in the observed rise in the frequency of numerical and structural aberrations in sperm chromosomes with increasing paternal age. Spermatozoa have low concentrations of antioxidant scavenging enzymes, which makes them particularly susceptible to DNA damage from reactive oxygen species. A recent study found that seminal reactive oxygen species levels are significantly elevated in men older than 40 years of age.17
Aneuploidy errors in germ cell lines also occur at higher rates with advancing paternal age. The aneuploidy error of trisomy 21, for example, is responsible for Down syndrome. The rate of many autosomal dominant disorders such as Apert syndrome, achrondroplasia, osteogenesis imperfecta, progeria, Marfan syndrome, Waardenburg syndrome, and thanatophoric dysplasia increases with advanced paternal age. Apert syndrome, for example, is the result of an autosomal dominant mutation on chromosome 10, mutating fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2). With increasing paternal age, the incidence of sporadic Apert syndrome increases exponentially, resulting in part from an increased frequency of FGFR2 mutations in the sperm of older men.

The role of medications and comorbidities
The effects of the male biological clock can be exacerbated by both medications and comorbidities. Pharmacologically mediated fertility declines and/or sexual dysfunction has been demonstrated for antihypertensive drugs, antidepressants, and hormonal agents. Seminal emission can be blocked by alpha blocker medications, which are used to treat many symptoms of the lower urinary tract. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, which are used for prostate cancer treatment, can directly affect sperm production and testosterone levels. High doses of anabolic steroids, sometimes used for enhancement of performance and muscle enlargement, cause reduction of sperm production, which may be permanent. Erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory disorders, and decreased libido can be caused by the 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.
Sexual function and reproductive function can substantially decline in males treated for prostate cancer. Treatments such as radiotherapy, surgery or hormones, alone or in combination, can result in these dysfunctions in treated men of any age, though the severity of effects increases with age. A report found that ultrasound-guided needle biopsy of the prostate was associated with some abnormal semen parameters.18 Since prostate biopsy is more common in men 50 or older, this can be an issue for older would-be fathers.
The fact that men and women are waiting longer to have children, and that advances in reproductive technology are allowing older men and women to consider having children, carries a generally unrecognized public health risk in the form of increased infertility and risk for birth defects and other reproductive problems. CDC birth statistics show the average maternal age rose from 21.4 years of age in 1974 to 25.1 years of age in 2003. Paternal age is rising as well.
The lack of appreciation among both medical professionals and the lay public for the reality of a male biological clock makes these trends worrisome. This article has demonstrated a host of potential reproductive problems among older men. Semen parameters as well as semen genetic integrity decline with age, which leads to an increased risk for spontaneous abortion as well as genetic abnormalities in offspring. The decreasing apoptotic rate and increase in reactive oxygen species among the rapidly replicating spermatogonia are possible mechanisms behind an amplification of errors in germ cell lines of older men. Such errors may account for the observed increases in Down syndrome, schizophrenia, and autosomal dominant disorders in children born to older fathers.
Older men are having children, but the reality of a male biological clock makes this trend worrisomeFeature Article
Publish date: Jan 15, 2009
By: Harry Fisch, MD
Source: Geriatrics

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Future research may elucidate in greater detail the etiology and manifestation of the male biological clock in older men. Novel methods to reverse or slow the clock may be discovered by improved understanding of the cellular and biochemical mechanisms of gonadal aging. This research may diminish potential adverse genetic consequences in offspring and increase the chances that older couples will have a healthy child.
1. Fisch H, Hyun G, Golden R, et al. The influence of paternal age on Down syndrome. J Urol. 2003:169(6):2275-2278.

2. Eskenazi B, Wyrobek AJ, Sloter E, et al. The association of age and semen quality in healthy men. Hum Reprod. 2003;18(2):447-454.
3. Lewis BH, Legato M, Fisch H. Medical implications of the male biological clock. JAMA. 2006;296(19):2369-2371.
4. Feldman HA, Longcope C, Derby CA, et al. Age trends in the level of serum testosterone and other hormones in middle-aged men: longitudinal results from the Massachusetts male aging study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002;87(2):589-598.
5. Rhoden EL, Morgentaler A. Risks of testosterone-replacement therapy and recommendations for monitoring. N Engl J Med. 2004;350(5):482-492.
6. Travison TG, Araujo AB, O'Donnell AB, et al. A population-level decline in serum testosterone levels in American men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007;92(1):196-202.
7. Harman SM, Metter EJ, Tobin JD, et al. Longitudinal effects of aging on serum total and free testosterone levels in healthy men. Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001;86(2):724-731.
8. Imamoto T, Suzuki H, Yano M, et al. The role of testosterone in the pathogenesis of prostate cancer. Int J Urol. 2008;15(6):472-480.
9. Ford WC, North K, Taylor H, et al. Increasing paternal age is associated with delayed conception in a large population of fertile couples: evidence for declining fecundity in older men. Hum Reprod. 2000;15(8):1703-1708.
10. Mathieu C, Ecochard R, Bied V. Cumulative conception rate following intrauterine artificial insemination with husband's spermatozoa: influence of husband's age. Hum Reprod. 1995;10(5):1090-1097.
11. Reichenberg A, Gross R, Weiser M, et al. Advancing Paternal Age and Autism. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2006;63(9):1026-1032.
12. Malaspina D, Harlap S, Fennig S, et al. Advancing Paternal Age and the Risk of Schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2001;58(4):361-367.
13. de la Rochebrochard E, Thonneau P. Paternal age and maternal age are risk factors for miscarriage: results of a multicentre European study. Hum Reprod. 2002;17(6):1649-1656.
14. Walter CA, Intano GW, McCarrey JR, et al. Mutation frequency declines during spermatogenesis in young mice but increases in old mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 1998;95(17):10015-10019.
15. Andolz P, Bielsa MA, Vila J. Evolution of semen quality in North-eastern Spain: a study in 22,759 infertile men over a 36 year period. Hum Reprod. 1999;14(3):731-735.
16. Auger J, Kunstmann JM, Czyglik F, et al. Decline in semen quality among fertile men in Paris during the past 20 years. N Engl J Med. 1995;332(5):281-285.
17. Cocuzza M, Athayde KS, Agarwal A, et al. Age-related increase of reactive oxygen species in neat semen in healthy fertile men. Urology. 2008;71(3):490-494.
18. Manoharan M, Ayyathurai R, Nieder AM, Soloway MS. Hemospermia following transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy: a prospective study. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2007;10(3):283-287.

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